
Sunday, September 9, 2012

17 Weeks!!

Pregnancy Questionnaire #2:

How far along? 17 Weeks (baby is the size of a sweet potato) 
Total weight gain/loss: Still only about 5 pounds gained 

Maternity clothes? I only have 2 pairs of normal pants I can still button comfortably.  
Stretch marks? None so far! Knock on wood!
Sleep: Sleep has actually gotten a lot better and I have been doing a lot of it!
Best moment this week: The beginning stages of feeling baby!
Movement: Light taps and flutters!
Cravings: Biggest craving is potato chips!
Gender: We find out September 19th!!! CANT WAIT

Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or out? In, but slowly pushing out and feels very stretched. 
What I miss: Being able to run! 
What I am looking forward to: Our gender ultrasound! And when Saleem will get to feel baby kick!
Milestones: Finally feeling movement 

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