
Saturday, September 22, 2012

19 Weeks!!

I have been slacking on posting and I have a bunch of posts lined up that I will hopefully be doing soon! But for now I wanted to do a little pregnancy update because that is my life right now :) 

Profile of our little BABY GIRL!! 19 weeks!

How far along? 19 Weeks!! ALMOST HALFWAY!

Total weight gain/loss: Still only about 5 pounds gained but doctor said baby is growing 

Maternity clothes? Starting to get more and more. 

Stretch marks? None so far! Knock on wood!

Sleep: I am still able to sleep pretty well but it is getting more uncomfortable! We are going to get me a pregnancy pillow soon! Which i think will really help! 

Best moment this week: Seeing our precious little girl at the ultrasound and finding out that she is perfect in every way!! We also got to see her yawn and it was seriously the cutest thing I have ever seen! 

Movement: Getting more frequent and a lot stronger! I LOVE it!!! This little one is very active around 8pm! 

Cravings: FOOD in general LOL!! I am always hungry and snacking. 

Gender: GIRL!!!!!

Labor Signs: None yet

Belly Button in or out? In, but slowly pushing out and feels very stretched. 

What I miss: Being able to bend over easily!

What I am looking forward to: Buying baby stuff!!

Milestones: Finally finding out the gender and buying our first outfits! 

....And in other news! Our wedding pictures are in and i LOVE them! Here is one of my favorites!!

Sunday, September 9, 2012

17 Weeks!!

Pregnancy Questionnaire #2:

How far along? 17 Weeks (baby is the size of a sweet potato) 
Total weight gain/loss: Still only about 5 pounds gained 

Maternity clothes? I only have 2 pairs of normal pants I can still button comfortably.  
Stretch marks? None so far! Knock on wood!
Sleep: Sleep has actually gotten a lot better and I have been doing a lot of it!
Best moment this week: The beginning stages of feeling baby!
Movement: Light taps and flutters!
Cravings: Biggest craving is potato chips!
Gender: We find out September 19th!!! CANT WAIT

Labor Signs: None yet
Belly Button in or out? In, but slowly pushing out and feels very stretched. 
What I miss: Being able to run! 
What I am looking forward to: Our gender ultrasound! And when Saleem will get to feel baby kick!
Milestones: Finally feeling movement